DAV Public School

Kaimri Road Hisar, Haryana - 125001

About School


The D.A.V. Society, launched with missionary zeal to reclaim the lost brilliance and glory of Vedic values, founded its first institution at Lahore in 1886 with Mahatma Hansraj as its founding principal.Today there are more than 780 D.A.V. schools spread across the country.

Principal’s Message


Buds unfurl and blossom into flowers bringing glory to the garden, similarly the young ones coming to the school blossom and bring pride and joy to their mentors. It is truly said that mother gives birth but the teacher gives worth to an individual. It is our profound privilege that the Almighty has destined us

Important Message by
DAV Management

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DAV Public School

Kaimri Road Hisar,
Near Railway Crossing,
Hisar - 125001, Haryana
Phone: 01662-242926
E-Mail Id: dav242926@gmail.com
Website: davkaimrihsr.org

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