DAV Public School

Kaimri Road Hisar, Haryana - 125001

Rules of Discplines  
  1. Every student should carry his/her school diary on all days to school.
  2. On class days and at school functions students must wear the prescribed uniform. They should always be clean and neatly dressed.
  3. The students are expected to arrive in the school 15 minutes earlier than the opening time. Those who come late or who have been absent on the previous day, must bring a written explanation from the parents.
  4. Students should reach their class rooms as soon as the morning bell goes or recess is over.
  5. Care of the school property must be taken. No pupil should spoil school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Any damage done, even by accident, should be reported, at once, to the class teacher or the Principal. The loss done will be made good by the one who does it.
  6. Books (other than text books or library books) and magazines brought to the school without permission are liable to be confiscated.
  7. Lending or borrowing money and other articles is not permitted.
  8. The school is not responsible for articles or money lost. The students are advised not to bring valuable articles to the school.
  9. Running, playing and shouting inside the school building is not allowed.
  10. Students escorted to school by their guardians or parents should never leave the school premises before they arrive. In case of delay they should report to the school office.
  11. No pupil will leave the school premises during the school hours or recess without the permission of the Principal.
  12. Students should get the Progress Report signed by their guardians and return it within three days of its receipt.
  13. The name, class and section of the pupils should be clearly marked on all their belongings.
  14. All the books and note books should be neatly covered with brown paper.
  15. The students should observe good manners wherever they are. Their good conduct will bring credit to themselves, to their parents and to their school.
  16. No child should bring articles like mobiles, pen drives, CDs, MP3 players etc to the school. If any such article is found in possession of any child the same will be confiscated & the parents will have to come & collect the same personally from the school office.
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DAV Public School

Kaimri Road Hisar,
Near Railway Crossing,
Hisar - 125001, Haryana
Phone: 01662-242926
E-Mail Id: dav242926@gmail.com
Website: davkaimrihsr.org

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